BREAKING: local idiot goes insane trying to make a website that is at least slightly readable on mobile (they failed miserably) /// This website is best viewed on Firefox because marquee SUCKS anywhere else. Like why is it so JANKY on Safari man I'm going to cry.

... For now, I'll focus on getting the first item on the list done.

All I need to do is choose...

...And also...

. . .


I got this.

Welcome to this oddity of a website.

There's not much to do here, but hopefully that isn't too much of a let-down. Not to mention that will be bound to change as I work through the kinks of this dumpster-fire.

Until then, please feel free to check out any of the links to your left. Spoiler alert, it's all in relation to me, except for the fish. I do wish that I was a fish, however.

Obligatory clique and fanlist spot (couldn't find a cooler place for most of these sorry.)


